Chlorella: A super food with 5 amazing benefits


What is Chlorella?

Chlorella is a nutrient-dense type of green algae that that grows in fresh water (1).

Chlorella contains chlorophyll, and it’s said to be used to make nutritional supplements and medicine and is especially popular in Asian countries.

Chlorella is also labelled as a superfood because it is reported to provide essential nutrients that you may not get from standard everyday diets alone.

As with many super greens, Chlorella contains vitamin C and carotenoids, both of which are reported to protect the body from harmful toxins.

Chlorella is reported to contain high concentrations of iron and B-complex vitamins and is promoted as a herbal remedy for a number of conditions.


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There is a list of other nutrients reported within Chlorella:

  • amino acids
  • polysaccharides
  • omega-3’s
  • protein
  • chlorophyll
  • vitamins
  • minerals
  • beta-carotene
  • dietary fibre
  • antioxidants
  • bioactive substances
  • enzymes
  • lipids
  • carbohydrates

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Top 5 Benefits of Chlorella

1) Cancer Support

Many advocates of Chlorella’s benefits claim it aids in the recovery of several types of cancer such as reducing radiation treatment side effects and stimulating the immune system. (2)

2) Fights Infections and enhances Natural Killer Cells

Chlorella is also reported to fight bacterial and viral infections. Also, chlorella has been shown to improve red blood cell antioxidant status and may help prevent senile dementia. Chlorella supplementation also enhances “natural killer cells,” key players in our immune systems. (3)

3) Bowel and Intestinal Support

It is reported that the immune system is in our gut and it won’t surprise you to know that Chlorella may also Improve the immune system because increases the number of friendly germs in the digestive tract. Chlorella also boosts healing of intestinal ulcers, Crohn’s disease and diverticulosis.(2)

4) Cardiovascular Support

Chlorella can also lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. In a study, participants consumed 8,000 mg of chlorella per day (in two doses/4,000 mg at a time). At the end of 12 weeks, those participants who were on the verge of poor health had significantly improved blood glucose and cholesterol levels. It was also noted that after cholesterol began to go down, then blood glucose began to improve. This study also supported what other studies have established, which is that chlorella helps lower cholesterol by clearing it from the digestive tract and helping prevent its reabsorption from the digestive tract. (4)

5) Detoxifying

It could also help to cleanse the blood, digestive system, and the liver. One of the chlorella’s most significant health benefits is that it attracts itself to stubborn toxins residing in our bodies, such as lead, cadmium, mercury and uranium, and helps prevent them from being absorbed. Basically, consuming chlorella regularly could help keep heavy metals from accumulating in the soft tissues of our body and organs in the first place. (5)


Though Chlorella is generally considered safe, it does come with some cautions and warnings.

  1. It is reported to have moderate levels of iodine, therefore those with iodine sensitive thyroid conditions or iodine allergies should avoid it, but consult with your doctor before taking it.
  2. Chlorella products are known to vary significantly depending on the way “the crop” used to make them was cultivated, harvested, and processed. Investigators have found that dried preparation of chlorella can contain from 7% to 88% protein, 6% to 38% carbohydrate, and 7% to 75% fat. (2)
  3. When considering “superfoods.” foods such as chlorella, spirulina, kale, blueberries, cocoa and quinoa which all offer nutritional benefits and are great additions to a balanced diet, but what’s more important is the diversity of your diet. Avoid limiting your diet to these just a few “superfoods” and instead eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, some types of seafood, and fortified foods and beverages. (3)

