Tribulus Terrestris – How does it improve sexual function?

Tribulus terrestris growing on a beach (Philippines)
Tribulus terrestris growing on a beach (Philippines)

Tribulus Terrestris

“Tribulus Terrestris is a traditional Chinese herb. It is used to enhance sexual function, increase muscle mass and improve sperm motility”, says Norma Chew from Livestrong. (1)

Dietary supplement tablets pouring out of container
Herbal dietary supplement

Although Tribulus Terrestris is used traditionally for various reasons, as stated above, it is generally marketed as a testosterone boosting supplement for those wanting to build muscle.

Unfortunately, there is little to no factual scientific evidence to back these claims up, and those that do exist are conflicting.

Tribulus Terrestris may help to improve

  1. Sexual function and erectile dysfunction
  2. Libido
  3. Type 2 diabetes

What are the Benefits?

1) It helps to improve sexual function

According to some research taking a dose of 1,500mg of Tribulus Terrestris may enhance sexual function and erectile dysfunction in men. (2)

Tribulus Terrestris contains saponins, which may be partly responsible for its effects in increasing the sexual function.

2) It may Improve libido

In a study, 30 women out of 67 who had low libido were given 7.5mg Tribulus Terrestris extract and saw an improvement in their libido. According to the research, results show that Tribulus Terrestris may safely and effectively improve desire in women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder. (3)

Products with low glycemic index
Healthy food with a low glycemic index.

3) Tribulus Terrestris may help with type 2 diabetes

A study carried out on 98 women with type 2 diabetes who were given either a placebo or 1,000mg per day of Tribulus Terrestris for three months showed “a significant blood glucose-lowering effect in diabetic women compared to placebo. Also, the total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein of T. Terrestris group were significantly reduced compared with placebo.” (4)

Tribulus Terrestris works well with

  • Damiana for low libido and impotence
  • Maca, otherwise known as Peruvian Ginseng, to help with low libido

Some things to consider

This herb is not found in foods therefore in order to consume it you would have to turn to supplements.

Tribulus Terrestris may cause inaccurate readings in drugs tests so it may be best to avoid it if you are taking part in professional competitions.


Last accessed online 22/04/2020
