Peppermint – the amazing health benefits of peppermint

Herbal mint tea in glass cup with fresh peppermint on background, square format
Herbal mint tea in a glass cup with fresh peppermint on background, square format


Christian Nordqvist from Medical News Today states “Peppermint is an aromatic plant, created from the blending of watermint and spearmint.”(1) Peppermint is a rich source of potassium and magnesium, thought to be enzyme activators which may aid digestion. It can be used to add flavour and fragrance to foods, cosmetics, dental products and more. 

Peppermint may help with

  1. Gas, bloating and stomach spasms
  2. IBS symptoms
  3. Pruritus gravidarum
  4. Dandruff

What are the Benefits?

1) Gas, Bloating and Stomach Spasms

Peppermint helps to remove gas from the stomach and intestines and aids digestion. According to research, it may help to relieve muscular cramps, spasms and mild pain. (2) Peppermint could be beneficial when these symptoms are taking place in the digestive system as it may help flatulence, bloating, and indigestion, which may benefit those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

2) Helps with IBS

A study on 57 people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, were given two peppermint oil capsules or a placebo twice per day for four weeks. Results indicate that peppermint oil improves abdominal symptoms in patients with IBS. (3)

3) Peppermint oil aids pruritus gravidarum

Peppermint oil also relieves pruritus gravidarum in pregnant women. Pruritus gravidarum is a condition characterized by intense itching, which occurs in 1:300 pregnancies, beginning in the 3rd trimester, first on the abdomen, later extending to the entire body surface. (4)

4) Helps with dandruff

One of the active compounds in peppermint is menthol. Menthol is found in many products ranging from breath mints to shampoo, and it should be no surprise, in light of the research, that menthol found in shampoo may help to reduce dandruff and itching. According to The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it is a useful ingredient, alongside coal tar in shampoo, for the treatment of dandruff. (5) 

Antifungal properties

It may also have antifungal properties and could help Candida, thrush and athlete’s foot according to the results of research on oils. The study found that eucalyptus and peppermint oils were effective against eleven fungi. (6)

Peppermint synergy and works well with

Some things to consider

Peppermint may cause a mild burning sensation in some people.


Last accessed online 20/04/2020
