Saw Palmetto – does it reduce Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BHP)?

Saw palmetto plant
Saw palmetto plant

Saw Palmetto

Erica Cirino from Healthline says “Saw Palmetto is a type of small palm tree found in Florida and parts of other southeastern states. It has long, green, pointed leaves like many types of palm trees. It also has branches with small berries.” According to Cirino, Native Americans from the Seminole tribe used Saw Palmetto berries as food and to treat several conditions including urinary and reproductive problems linked to an enlarged prostate gland. (1)

Saw Palmetto may help with

  1. Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)
  2. Prostatitis

What are the Benefits of Saw palmetto?

1) Saw Palmetto Reduces Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)

Saw Palmetto is known to reduce the production of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, which may improve prostate health. 5-alpha reductase turns testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is a sex steroid and androgen hormone. Many might believe it is only men that produce DHT but women also produce DHT (2). Although DHT contributes to male development, it may also be partly responsible for health problems in middle-aged and older men, such as hair loss, low or no sex drive and an enlarged prostate. Taking Saw Palmetto supplements might alleviate these problems.

According to a pilot study in 2013 carried out on 82 participants who took Saw Palmetto extract daily for eight weeks, it may improve BHP and sexual dysfunctions. (3)

2) Saw Palmetto Reduces Prostatitis

According to the National Health Service (NHS), there are two main types of prostatitis:

  • Chronic prostatitis is where the symptoms come and go for several months. It’s the most common type, and infection does not usually cause it.
  • Acute prostatitis is where the symptoms are severe and develop suddenly. It is rare, can be severe, requires immediate treatment, and caused by an infection. (4)

Saw Palmetto works well with

  • Pumpkin Seed Oil  may help to reduce the size of an enlarged prostate
  • Zinc helps to maintain testosterone levels in the blood. It may be linked to testosterone levels and cases of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), so avoiding a zinc deficiency may help to ensure healthy testosterone levels.
  • Horsetail may have antidiuretic action and may benefit individuals who struggle with frequent urination

Some things to consider

People have eaten Saw Palmetto berries for centuries. Despite this, their safety has not been studied directly. Research suggests that Saw Palmetto is safe for the majority of people. Side effects of Saw Palmetto are generally mild and reversible and can include nausea, vomiting, headache, fatigue and diarrhoea. (5)

Children should not use Saw Palmetto, and individuals with underlying medical conditions should speak to their doctor before taking it. (6)


Last accessed online 16/04/2020
