Herbal remedies – 21 herbs with unknown health benefits

Selection healing herbs
The natural medicine.Dried herbs for use in alternative medicine


Herbs have been used for centuries for medicinal purposes, and have proven to be effective and cheaper than some conventional medicines and less harsh on the body due to the fact that they are natural.

1. Cayenne Pepper

Derives from South America, the cayenne plant is used as a food and spice. Cayenne is related to bell peppers, jalapenos, paprika, and other peppers. It is high in capsaicin which has many health benefits.

Benefits of cayenne pepper

It may help weight loss

Incorporating cayenne pepper into the diet may promote weight loss by reducing hunger and calories consumed and increasing the calories the body burns. (1)

It may help with digestion

Cayenne pepper helps to produce saliva which is required for the digestion process as it lubricates the digestive tract allowing food to pass easily into the stomach, it also helps to promote the production of enzymes that help break our food down during the digestion process making it a useful addition to your meal.

It may help to reduce pain

One of the main components in cayenne pepper is capsaicin which has shown to reduce pain and has no significant side effects according to research. (2)

It may lower blood pressure

Again due to the properties of cayenne pepper it may help to lower blood pressure, clinical studies show that mice with high blood pressure were given capsaicin to determine what effects it would have on the status of the high blood pressure and results show that it actually reduces the blood pressure. (3)

2. Cha De Bugre

Cha de Bugre is a Brazilian tree that is rich in caffeine and potassium. The fruit and leaves are used to make tea and medicine. Orally, Cha de Bugre is linked to promoting weight loss and dealing with obesity issues, including decreasing cellulite, helping to reduce fatty deposits, preserving muscle tissue, and dealing with oedema, gout, cancer, herpes, viral infections, fever, and cardiovascular disease. It is also used as a general tonic, as it may help to stimulate circulation and heart function, relieve coughs, support renal function and reduce uric acid.

3. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is the bark of one of a group of trees belonging to the same family. It has been traditionally used as an astringent, which would be useful for women who suffer from Menorrhagia (heavy periods). Its warming effect has also been thought to help customers with colds or flu. It has also been linked to lowering cholesterol, regulating blood sugar, preventing/getting rid of yeast infections due to its anti-fungal action, cancer prevention, having an anti-clotting effect on the blood, relieving the symptoms of arthritis, having anti­bacterial properties and brain health.

4. Comfrey

The leaf and root of comfrey have been employed medicinally for centuries. Originally from Europe and western Asia, it is now also grown in North America. It is sometimes referred to as ‘Knitbone’. Traditionally, comfrey has been used for broken bones, bruising, sprains and wounds, as it has been linked to promoting healing of bone and tissue. Comfrey should not be taken internally.

5. Frangula

Frangula may be found in some herbal combination products for constipation, as it is thought to be a stimulating laxative. Its active ingredient is Anthraquinone glycosides. Frangula should not be taken with prescription diuretics or by people with inflammatory intestinal problems.

6. Hops

Hops have two active ingredients which are bitters and volatile oils. They have been linked in the treatment of nervousness, insomnia, stomach conditions and IBS due to its potential mild sedative action, it is also thought to stimulate your appetite. Hops should not be taken by anyone who potentially has an allergy to pollen content and Hops may cause depression in some people.

7. Kola Nut

Whilst we do not sell this product anymore, Kola Nut can be found in combination products that are used for slimming/energy. Its active ingredient is caffeine, which makes it a stimulant and should, therefore, be useful for physical and mental exhaustion. It has also been linked to lifting the mood of customers who are suffering from mild depression. Customers who take this product should avoid additional consumption of caffeine and it may cause insomnia and irritability. Because it is a stimulant, you should advise the customer to not take this product after 4 pm.

8. Kudzu

Kudzu (Pueraria Lobata or Pueraria Thomsonii) is a climbing plant that is rich in the Isoflavones Daidzin and Daidzein. Because of these Isoflavones, Kudzu is thought to help women who are going through the menopause with symptoms such as hot flushes, it may reduce the desire for alcohol and may also help to prevent Osteoporosis as well as being traditionally used for a headache, neck problems and diarrhoea. It is also linked to helping with a hangover and providing a healthy heart function to prevent ailments such as Angina.

9. Lobelia

Lobelia is often found in combination products for coughs, such as Potters Cough remedies due to its Expectorant action (helps to loosen mucus in the lungs). It may also act as a mild sedative, so would be useful for customers who suffer from anxiety, tension and panic attacks. This product should not be taken if the customer is taking any form of Lithium medication.

10. Maca

Maca has been linked to preventing impotence and enhancing sexual desire due to its aphrodisiac action. Its other action is that it is an adaptogen and so would be useful for customers who suffer from stress or fatigue.

11. Marigold

Marigold (also known as Calendula officinalis or Pot marigold) has been traditionally used to treat skin conditions such as eczema and eye irritation due to its anti-inflammatory action. It is also thought to promote wound healing and so may be useful for someone who has a minor burn or wound.

12. Motherwort

Motherwort is a plant. The parts that grow above the ground are used to make medicine. It is often found in combination products used for stress and it may also help in the absence of menstrual periods.

13. Oats Avena Sativa

The common oat (Avena sativa) is a species of cereal grain grown for its seed, which is known by the same name. Its consumption may help nicotine withdrawal, anxiety and insomnia, whilst its aphrodisiac action helps to increase libido and prevent impotence. It is rich in Iron, Manganese and zinc

14. Olive Leaf

Olive leaf comes from the olive plant and is rich in polyphenols, which are believed to promote antimicrobial activity. It is believed that olive leaf can prevent colds and the flu due to its anti­viral action and it may help to lower blood pressure.

15. Oolong Tea

The production of oolong requires that the leaves be processed directly after picking and is partially fermented; this is a different process to that of black or green tea. its believed to have antioxidant activity, which helps to protect against ailments such as cancer and heart disease. It is also associated with mental stimulation and improved alertness, as it is thought to be a mild stimulant. It may also help to boost the immune system, therefore preventing colds and flu.

16. Parsley

Parsley, Petroselinum crispum is a member of the Umbelliferae Family. Its active ingredient Chlorophyll is thought to absorb body odour and to eliminate bad breath. It is also believed to be good for the lungs, stomach, bladder and liver. The roots contain essential oils and mucilage; the seeds are especially strong in essential oils and terpenes. The leaves contain lesser amounts of essential oils as well as lots of vitamin A and C, more vitamin C than oranges. The leaves also contain lots of chlorophyll, which may act as an antiseptic. They are also full of minerals, iron, calcium, potassium, thiamin, niacin and riboflavin. It is thought to have diuretic qualities, flushing the kidneys, helping to stimulate urination when the kidneys are sluggish and acting as a mild laxative. It is a good carminative, which may help the body release cramp-producing gas in the stomach and intestines. It may also help to move excess mucous from the body. It may also aid the body in expelling tapeworms and other parasites and may help to encourage menstrual flow.

17. Scullcap

Scullcap can be found in some combination products, as it may help to combat insomnia, along with anxiety, depression and tension headaches. The customer should avoid taking this product with other sedatives such as Valium, antidepressants and drugs for diabetes.

18. Vervain

Vervain is an attractive perennial herbaceous plant in the Verbenaceae. It is found in some combination products to help to prevent insomnia, as well as being a mild anti-depressant, especially when related to PMS. It has also been linked to stimulating the nervine, which may help to prevent post-viral chronic fatigue and ME.

19. White Tea

White tea is a lightly oxidised tea mostly grown in China. Its active ingredients are Polyphenols and catechins. Its benefits are that it may help to lower cholesterol and blood pressure. It has also been thought to have an anti-bacterial action, which would help to prevent throat infections and gingivitis and it may also help to protect the body from harmful toxins.

20. White Willow

White willow bark is a tree (Salix alba) native to Europe and Asia. Its active ingredient is Salicylic acid, which has been synthesized to sell as Asprin, due to its potential pain relieving properties. We do not sell this product anymore, but it can be found in BlueEase cream.

21. Wild Pansy

Wild pansy is an annual perennial herb. Wild pansy has traditionally been used to treat skin diseases, eczema, asthma and epilepsy and asthma and can now be found in our combination skin products due to its potential blood cleansing action. It was also believed that the flowers wild pansy was good for the heart, hence its popular name of heartsease. Today, wild pansy is used as a potential reliever of eczema, acne, pruritus and impetigo. The triterpenes, salicylates and flavonoids found in wild pansy may offer an anti-inflammatory action too.


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10743483
  2. https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8247/9/4/66/htm
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20674858