


Eczema is a common skin condition charact identified by the red itchy skin, which can weep and become crusted. Eczema is a term used interchangeably with dermatitis, although some authorities define it as a specific type of dermatitis, distinguished by the presence of fluid-filled blisters that weep, ooze and crust over( source

There are many different types of eczema, the two most common are

Atopic – often affects people with a family history of allergies or asthma. It usually becomes apparent in children. They may be allergic to certain foods like dairy products. The skin is very dry, and the itching is often intense. Atopic eczema can be aggravated by cold winds and stress;

Contact Eczema (also called Contact Dermatitis) may develop very quickly and is an allergic reaction to certain products such as cosmetics, washing powders etc. It may also be caused by a vitamin or mineral deficiency.

Supplements that may help

  • Calendula(marigold) could cleanse, heal and sooth to dry and inflamed skin
  • Rescue Remedy Cream is said to bring relief if rubbed into affected areas
  • Borage/EPO cream may aid dry skin
  • Burdock could be a blood tonic, rich in sulphur
  • Sulphur (homoeopathic) may help with intense itching;

supplements that may help to prevent Eczema

  • Valerian Root or other relaxing herbal blends are very important if stress is a factor. Valerian Root is a traditional herbal medicinal product used for the temporary relief of symptom of mild anxiety and to help with sleep. MSM is rich in sulphur may help with dry skin conditions
  • Fish Oils may also be beneficial because of their EPA content;
  • High Dosage Vitamin B Complex contributes to the maintenance of normal skin. This makes it potentially useful for skin problems like acne, eczema and psoriasis, as a deficiency may lead to poor maintenance of normal skin. Ensure it contains Biotin and Inositol as eczema sufferer may be prone to deficiency in particular. Vitamin C – contributes to the normal function of the immune system, therefore, may be beneficial by affecting the immunity
  • Vitamin A may contribute to the maintenance of normal skin. This makes it potentially useful for skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis, as a deficiency may lead to poor maintenance of normal skin.
  • Evening Primrose Oil (EPO)  may be particularly beneficial for those who suffer from skin related issues like Eczema of different types, as it could help to regulate hormone imbalance. Sufferers may also be unable to produce the fatty acid GLA, found in EPO. This helps to reduce the swelling associated with the conditions.
  • Zinc contributes to the maintenance of normal skin. In addition, Zinc contributes to normal metabolism of fatty acids, which are themselves linked to healthy skin and oil balance. Traditionally known as the healing mineral
  • Star/lower Oil/Borage is rich In the fatty acid GLA
  • Bromelain can help to reduce inflammation (turmeric strengthens its action) Seta carotene can support immune function and skin healing

Recommended lifestyle changes

  • Avoid dairy products and try goat or soya milk instead. Soya milk is not suitable for babies and young children, check with GP;
  • Good whole food diet rich in B-Complex like Whole grains and Brewer’s Yeast;
  • Increase intake of essential fatty acids, in particular, Omega 3 Oils, either by eating more fatty fish or nuts and seeds.