Bereavement – symptoms and remedies



Bereavement is a term that can be used to describe any event that includes loss – so this could mean losing your job, or a similar event, as well as the death of a loved one. Grief describes all the feelings, thoughts and behaviour that someone goes through after bereavement.


  • disbelief, shock, numbness and feelings of unreality
  • anger
  • feelings of guilt
  • sadness and tearfulness
  • preoccupation with the deceased
  • disturbed sleep and appetite and, occasionally, weight loss

Supplements that may help

  • Royal Jelly may help with general wellbeing
  • Ginseng Complex for stress and anxiety
  • 8 Complex with Vitamin C for nervous system support
  • Nelson’s Aconite may be helpful in cases of grieving after a sudden death
  • Nelson’s Ignatia may be helpful in cases of not being able to get over the loss of a loved one
  • St John’s Wort to help maintain emotion. Traditional herbal medicinal product used to relieve the symptoms of slightly low mood and mild anxiety, based on. Traditional use only.
  • Lavender Essential Oil may have calming and soothing effect
  • Bach Flower Remedies Rescue Remedy or others as appropriate may help to cope with stress and emotions

People respond to a loss in their own individual way. The way a person responds is partly dependent on their relationship with the deceased, but it also depends on their own personality and upbringing. In particular, holidays and anniversaries serve as reminders of the loss, and many people experience a severe worsening of their grief at these times. Debate still continues as to what normal grief consists of and whether it’s distinct from depression.

It’s common for people to have symptoms that are often used to diagnose depression after bereavement. It’s less common for people to experience a depressive illness and require treatment for this.