Pomegranate – Does this super fruit boost testosterone levels?

Oatmeal with fresh grapefruit, pomegranate, almond and chia seeds. Healthy breakfast
Oatmeal with fresh grapefruit, pomegranate, almond and chia seeds. Healthy breakfast


Pomegranate seeds are what Most people eat from the pomegranate, although, you can actually eat the creamy white membrane that separates the seeds, this has a bitter taste to it, unlike the sweet seeds or arils and the skin is not edible.

“Pomegranate seeds get their vibrant red hue from polyphenols. These chemicals are powerful antioxidants,” says Mandy Ferreira from Medical News Today. (1)

It is a great source of fibre and contains vitamins A, C and E, but also iron and other antioxidants such as tannins.

Pomegranate may help

  1. Protect the body from harmful toxins
  2. Aid cancer treatment
  3. Lower cholesterol and blood pressure
  4. boost testosterone and libido

What are the Benefits?

1) Protects the body from harmful toxins

Pomegranate juice has been reported to have antioxidant properties, which could help to protect the body from harmful toxins caused by things such as pollution, the sun’s rays and smoking.

2) Aids as a potential Cancer prevention

A study states that Pomegranate can be used in the prevention and treatment of several types of cancer, cardiovascular disease, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other diseases. (2)

3) Lower cholesterol and blood pressure

It has been linked to improving heart health due to its antioxidant action. This, in turn, may help prevent the build-up of bad cholesterol which may contribute to high blood pressure.

4) Boosts testosterone and libido

According to a study carried out by the Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh, a group of 58 people of both sexes drank pure Pomegranate juice for 2 weeks and the outcome was that both sexes experienced a boost in testosterone and libido this action could help to reduce low mood and stress levels. (3)

Pomegranate synergy, and works well with

  • Aloe Vera Juice could be a natural detoxifier
  • Soya Lecithin could help to lower cholesterol levels as it  helps to reduce fat levels, which could help to prevent health problems such as Atherosclerosis


last accessed online 20/06/2020

  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4007340/
  2. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/318385
  3. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/275716515_Pomegranate_juice_intake_enhances_salivary_testosterone_levels_and_improves_mood_and_well_being_in_healthy_men_and_women