Papaya – surprising health benefits of papaya – pawpaw



Papaya is also known as Carica papaya or pawpaw; it contains a digestive enzyme called papain which may help the body digest protein. It also provides a carotenoid antioxidant called zeaxanthin which filters out harmful blue light rays. The antioxidant could help protect the eyes, and it may help to prevent macular degeneration.

Papaya may help with

  1. Reducing free-radicals
  2. Decreasing inflammation
  3. Supporting digestion


1) Reduces free-radicals

Papaya contains antioxidants which help eliminate free radicals in your body. The fruit’s antioxidant properties help protect cells from damage and promote general health. (1)

2) Decreases inflammation

It has anti-inflammatory properties which could benefit individuals with arthritis, and alleviate the associated pain and stiffness. According to Franziska Spritzler from Healthline, chronic inflammation plays a crucial role in many diseases. Papaya fruit is high in carotenoids which can reduce inflammation and help prevent illness. (2)

3) Supports digestion

Papaya supports digestion and helps to break down protein, which can be useful to athletes. It may also help to prevent indigestion in those who consume protein-rich meals and could help to stop gastritis.

According to Karen Curinga from Livestrong, papaya contains two enzymes, chymopapain and papain, which are effective at treating gastrointestinal disorders. The fruit is also a useful treatment for diarrhoea and dysentery. (3)

Papaya works well with

  • L-glutamine to increase blood flow to the gut and support digestion
  • Turmeric to reduce inflammation and relieve the pain and stiffness associated with arthritis and similar rheumatic conditions

Some things to consider

Do not take pawpaw if you have a stomach ulcer or if you use blood-thinning medication.

