Cherry extract – lowers inflammation – prevents gout and more

Cherry smoothie in glass with mint leaves and fresh berries
Cherry smoothie in glass with mint leaves and fresh berries

Cherry extract

According to WebMD sour cherry fruit contains antioxidant ingredients which may reduce inflammation. It also contains melatonin which helps to regulate sleep patterns. (1)

Cherry extract may help

  1. Relieve the symptoms of diabetes
  2. Reduce inflammation
  3. Eliminate uric acid
  4. Prevent toxins from harming the body
  5. Strengthen blood vessels
  6. Regulate sleep patterns


1) Relieves the symptoms of diabetes

The extract may reduce the symptoms of metabolic syndrome and slow its development, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease according to the US National Library of Medicine. (2)

2) Reduces inflammation

The anti-inflammatory properties of cherry extract may help decrease swelling and alleviate the pain and stiffness associated with arthritis and similar diseases.

3) Eliminates uric acid

Your body can only use so much protein; if your protein intake is too high, you can develop gout. It is a form of arthritis caused by excess uric acid, which usually affects the big toe. Taking cherry extract may help eliminate uric acid and prevent gout.

4) Prevents toxins from harming the body

The extract is high in vitamin C and has antioxidant properties. It can help protect the body from free radicals and the associated harmful toxins which contribute to many diseases, including atherosclerosis and heart disease.

5) Strengthens blood vessels

Cherry may also support the blood vessel strength, and help stop varicose veins and thread veins.

6) Regulates Sleep patterns

According to Karen Curinga from Livestrong sour cherries contain melatonin, a natural antioxidant which balances the body’s circadian rhythms and helps to regulate sleep patterns. Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland in our brain; responsible for regulating sleep patterns and consuming cherry extract can you to control your sleep. (3)

Cherry extract works well with

  • Celery seed to help eliminate uric acid
  • Selenium for enhanced antioxidant action
  • Rutin to promote the health of veins
  • Grapeseed extract to support vein health

Some things to consider

The extract has no known side effects, but individuals who are sensitive to cherries could experience an allergic reaction. If you are sensitive to cherries, pregnant or breastfeeding, you should consult a doctor before taking cherry extract.


Last accessed online 16/05/2020
