Valerian – is it good for insomnia and anxiety?

Valeriana Officinalis
In the summer when the mature plant may have a height of 1.5 metres, it bears sweetly scented pink or white flowers


Valerian root is used in herbal medicine preparations usually for sleep problems since it acts as a mild sedative.

Dry root valerian
Dried rhizomes and roots of valerian medicinal.Medicinal herbs

According to Anna Aronson from Livestrong “Supplements containing valerian are also sometimes recommended as a herbal treatment for people suffering from anxiety”. (1)

Valerian may help with

  1. Mild anxiety
  2. Poor sleep
  3. Pain relief
  4. High blood pressure

What are the Benefits?

Mild anxiety

Valerian may relieve the symptoms of mild anxiety according to research, valerian root increases the amount of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)  which is a chemical found in the brain, this chemical helps regulate nerve cells and reduces anxiety. Valerenic acid and valerenol, both found in valerian root extract, are shown to have anxiolytic activities. (2)

It may aid sleep

Valerian has been traditionally used to aid a restful night’s sleep, in fact, a study on participants who have trouble sleeping reported good results from using valerian, Forty-four percent reported perfect sleep and 89 percent reported improved sleep. (3)

Valarian can increase the level of GABA a chemical found in your brain, if levels are high enough it may have a sedative action which may, in turn, help you to sleep.

Pain relief

It may have pain-relieving properties as it is a natural sedative, and may relax muscles, which would help those who suffer from tension headaches and migraines as well as the pain that comes with menstrual cramps.

Lowers blood pressure

Valerian has calming and relaxing properties that may help to reduce blood pressure, which could help to prevent heart problems such as heart attack and stroke. This would be of great benefit to your health especially as stroke is one of the leading causes of death in the UK.

Valerian synergy and works well with

  • Lemon Balm may help to soothe and calm you, which would be useful if you suffer from stress and/or anxiety, irritability, this may be of benefit if you struggle with exam pressures
  • Magnesium for muscle spasms and cramps
  • Phenylalanine to help with pain relief
  • Vitamin B Complex – for the functioning of the nervous system; may benefit anxiety and insomnia related to stress
  • Chamomile Tea – calming and soothing may help those unable to sleep
  • Passionflower may help with sleep and anxiety

Some things to consider

Don’t take valerian with contraceptive pills, anticoagulants, prescribed sedatives and antidepressants.


Last accessed online 20/04/2020
