Infertility – causes, symptoms and remedies



Infertility affects both men and women and describes the inability conceive (generally you are classed as infertile if you have been having unprotected intercourse for over a year and have not been able to conceive).


The inability of a couple to become pregnant after one year of regular, unprotected sex may indicate infertility of one or both sexual partners. Low sperm count in the semen, decreased sperm motility, or abnormal shape of the sperm, are responsible for infertility in about 40% of these couples.


For women, it can be caused by sex-hormone abnormalities, low thyroid function, endometriosis, scarring of the tubes connecting the ovaries with the uterus, or a host of other factors. Some of the causes of infertility readily respond to natural medicine, while others do not. In men, infertility is usually associated with a decrease in the number, quality, or motility (power of movement) of sperm

Supplements that may help

For men

  • Zinc may help towards proper sexual function. It is highly concentrated both in the male sex gland and in the sperm itself.
  • Vitamin C may help to increase sperm count and mobility
  • Arginine and Carnitine may increase sperm count, which is frequently low in infertile men (NB Arginine should not be taken in cases of schizophrenia and herpes virus infections)
  • Damiana may have aphrodisiac properties

For women

  • Zinc may help in correct functioning of female sex hormones
  • Agnus Cactus may help to decrease excessive prolactin levels, which may benefit infertile women.

For both sexes

  • Vitamin E a deficiency in this vitamin has been commonly linked to infertility
  • Vitamin B Complex a good strength formula may help to reduce tension, which has been traditionally thought to inhibit conception
  • Vitamin B6 may help to utilise Zinc effectively.