High blood pressure (hypertension) – causes and remedies


High Blood Pressure

When the heart pumps blood through the arteries, the blood presses against the walls of the blood vessels. In people who suffer from hypertension (the medical term for High Blood Pressure), this pressure is abnormally high. It is one of the most common ailments in Western Civilisations and occurs in about 10 percent of middle-aged people. It is classed as a chronic condition, but is not classed as a life-threatening disease and can persist indefinitely. It is an ailment of the circulatory system, which is made up of the heart and blood vessels.


High Blood Pressure itself rarely causes any symptoms; however, it must be controlled as it encourages hardening and narrowing of the arteries, and increases the risk of heart disease, angina and strokes.

Supplements that may help

Supplements that may help will depend upon the cause of the problem.

Listed below are supplements that are have been anecdotally reported to help lower blood pressure:

If the problem is due to high cholesterol levels in the blood, then you will need to find something to help lower cholesterol levels. Below are some supplements that may be helpful

  • Lecithin may help lower cholesterol due to reported fat emulsifying action
  • Garlic may help in reducing fat accumulation in the blood vessels, a vasodilator (widens blood vessels), raises HDL, lowers total cholesterol after a fatty meal, reduces high blood pressure and raises low blood pressure, as well as traditionally being used as an antibiotic, anti-fungal and a decongestant.
  • Fish Oils contain EPA and DHA, which can help in the prevention of the blood from clotting. Also, increases the HDL levels.

If the problem is due to high-stress levels then you will need a supplement that may help reduce stress

  • St John’s Wort for mild depression
  • High strength B complex contribute to normal functioning of nervous system
  • Valerian Root aids relaxation and helps with insomnia

Other Supplements that may help

  • Rutin anecdotal evidence suggests that it may help to strengthen the capillaries and reduce blood pressure;
  • Vitamin E will thin the blood and help to lower cholesterol, therefore, the blood will flow more freely. Vitamin E in high doses can increase blood pressure if the body is not used to having a supplement. We can therefore not recommend any dose higher than 100IU to anyone with high blood pressure.

  • Magnesium deficiency can lead to high blood pressure.

Recommended lifestyle changes

  • Salt is linked to hypertension, so following a salt-free diet is a must for sufferers. You can also use low sodium alternatives like ‘Lo Salt’;
  • Vegetarian diets help to lower blood pressure, partly because fruits and vegetables contain potassium – a known blood pressure-lowering mineral;
  • Reduce caffeine consumption, as this may increase blood pressure due to its stimulant properties. It also aggravates stress reactions in the body;
  • Drinking plenty of water and nettle tea will help to rid the body of toxins, which in turn will help to lower blood pressure;
  • Daily exercise can help to lower blood pressure, although people over 40 years of age should consult with their doctor before starting an exercise regime;
  • Reduce saturated fats as this will help with cholesterol levels;
  • Increase fibre intake, as bran will help reduce cholesterol, by sticking to it in the bloodstream and taking it out through the digestive system as waste.

Some things to consider

Hypertension sufferers should take care when considering Ginseng and Guarana supplements.