


Diverticulitis is a condition of abnormal pouches in portions of the colon.

High pressure inside the intestine may cause these outpouchings (called diverticula) to develop in areas of weakness within the wall of the colon. The development of these pouches is called diverticulosis. Rarely, diverticula may also occur in the stomach or small intestine.


  • Abdominal cramps
  • Bloating
  • Constipation
  • Tenderness/pain
  • A high temperature/fever


Diverticulitis is caused by an infection of one or more of the diverticula. It is thought that an infection develops when a hard piece of stool gets trapped in one of the pouches. This gives bacteria in the stool the chance to multiply and spread, triggering an infection( source www.nhsinform.).

Supplements that may help

  • Slippery Elm Food if taken twice a day will be soothing to the lining of the colon
  • Aloe Vera Juice has a soothing and healing action
  • Chamomile Tea if taken before meals it may help relieve the pain
  • Stand 1oz (25g) of crushed linseed in 2 pints (1 litre) of cold mineral water overnight. Take one cupful per day, first thing in the morning, later if necessary. This will be soothing and healing to all parts of the digestive tract. The dose must be adjusted to individual requirements as large doses can have a laxative effect.
  • Wheat Bran is a gentle fibre that maintains regular bowel movement if constipation is a problem
  • Papaya Enzyme can help with inflammatory bowel disorders.