Sarsaparilla Root – what health benefits does it possess?

Sarsaparilla root
Sarsaparilla root

Sarsaparilla Root

Sarsaparilla, also known as Smilax in Latin, is a tropical plant that grows in the Caribbean, Mexico, and South America. It is a member of the Lily family, and its roots and rhizome are used for medicinal purposes, according to Robyn Hughes from Livestrong. (1)

Sarsaparilla may be a

  1. Anti-inflammatory
  2. Diuretic
  3. Aphrodisiac

What are the Benefits?

1) Anti-inflammatory

Due to its antioxidant properties, Sarsaparilla may have anti-inflammatory actions. It may be useful for relieving the pain and stiffness of arthritic and rheumatic conditions, such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The inflammation linked to these conditions can affect how painful they are. Sarsaparilla may also be beneficial for individuals with skin conditions such as eczema, acne and psoriasis.

According to “Sarsaparilla’s anti-inflammatory actions have made the plant useful for treating arthritis, rheumatism, and gout”. (2)

2) It has diuretic properties

The diuretic action of Sarsaparilla may benefit individuals who suffer from water retention and oedema. Sarsaparilla may also protect the liver. It contains compounds in flavonoids which might improve health, including liver health. A study carried out on rats with liver damage, found that Sarsaparilla helped reverse liver damage and enhanced liver function.  (3)

3) Aphrodisiac

Sarsaparilla may act as an aphrodisiac, and it may be helpful in cases of impotence, low libido and erectile dysfunction.

Sarsaparilla works well with

  • Damiana for low libido and erectile dysfunction
  • Dandelion for water retention related conditions
  • Burdock root to help skin conditions such as acne and psoriasis

Some things to consider

“Don’t confuse Sarsaparilla with Indian Sarsaparilla, Hemidesmus indicus. The Indian Sarsaparilla is sometimes used in Sarsaparilla preparations but doesn’t have the same active chemicals of the Sarsaparilla in the Smilax genus”, says Jacquelyn Cafasso from Healthline. (4)

Due to the fact that Sarsaparilla has a diuretic like effect; it may affect how much Lithium is in the body, as it could increase Lithium levels, meaning that your body may not get rid of enough of this metal, that can also be found in trace amounts within the body. This may make kidney problems worse if you are on Lithium medication and would is advisable not to mix the two.

If you are taking heart medication or specific indigestion remedies, you should check with your GP before using sarsaparilla.


Last accessed online 15/04/2020
