Beetroot can it help your performance levels?

Fresh beetroot smoothie
Fresh beetroot smoothie


Beetroot is also is known as beets or Beta vulgaris. It is a root vegetable used in salads, smoothies, and soups like borscht which is a popular dish in Russia and Ukraine. Usually, beetroot is cooked and pickled for salads, but it can be eaten raw with its leaves. Beets have become quite popular for their potential health benefits. “Packed with essential nutrients, beets are a great source of fibre, folate (vitamin B9), manganese, potassium, iron, and vitamin C,” says  Adda Bjarnadottir, MS, RDN (Ice) from Healthline. (1)

Beetroot may help

  1. Protect the body from harmful toxins
  2. Dilate blood vessels (Vasodilator)
  3. Increase energy levels
  4. Promote weight loss

What are the benefits?

1) Protects the body from harmful toxins

According to the US National Library of Medicine, supplementing with beetroot could help protect the body from oxidative stress and protect cells from oxidative damage. (2)

The antioxidant properties of beetroot can protect the body from the damaging effects of the sun’s rays, smoking, pollution and radiation. It follows that beetroot could help prevent premature ageing and protect the lungs.

2) Dilates blood vessels

Beetroot can dilate blood vessels (also known as a vasodilator) which can increase oxygen and blood supply to enhance exercise performance. It may also help to lower blood pressure by dilating blood vessels. Dilating blood vessels and increasing blood flow can help to prevent heart disease and even help to manage cholesterol.

3) Increases energy levels

Many bodybuilders and athletes use nitric oxide to improve their performance and energy levels. Beetroot has high amounts of nitrates, which can be converted into nitric oxide and therefore may enhance energy levels. A 2012 study on trained cyclists found that beetroot consumption improved stamina. (3)

4) Supports weight management

Regularly eating vegetables like beetroot can help you manage your weight. Beetroot is a tasty addition to a healthy and balanced diet. It is low in calories and contains several essential minerals like zinc, copper, magnesium, selenium, potassium and more. Cooking vegetables can make them less nutritious. Adding raw beetroot smoothie is a way to boost energy and start the day.

Beetroot works well with

  • Soy lecithin to help lower cholesterol
  • Green Tea to help protect the body from harmful toxins and maintain cardiovascular health
  • Creatine to increase endurance and stamina in sport

Some things to consider

According to WebMD, beetroots could decrease cause low calcium levels and worsen kidney damage. (4)


Last accessed online 07/07/2020
